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Animated UI Components for React & Tailwind

Addicting, interactive, animated UI components and templates for React, Tailwind CSS, Framer motion logo Framer Motion & more. Copy & paste them into your code with 2 clicks.

A Component You Love
1// Take the code & drop it
2// into your project!
4export const WetPaintButton = () => {
5 return (
6 <button className="group relative rounded bg-indigo-600 px-4 py-2.5 font-semibold text-white transition-colors hover:bg-indigo-600">
7 Wet Paint Button
Your Website
Using Hover Components

Simply copy & paste hover components directly into your React & Tailwind projects for an instant dope-ness increase of over 9000%

It's pretty straight forward

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Encrypt Button

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VIEW ButtonsClick it in style


A branded button is great way to make your website memorable.

VIEW Navbars & MenusNavigate smoothly

Navbars & Menus

Getting your users from point A to point B can be fun.

VIEW Carouselsa lot to show?


Sometimes you've got a lot to show... like the component you're looking at now!

VIEW Hero SectionsGreat first impressions

Hero Sections

The first thing users see on your website leaves a lasting impression.

VIEW Dropdown MenusMore to show?

Dropdown Menus

Got links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links?

VIEW Testimonial Sectionspeople love you

Testimonial Sections

Show all of that trust you've built your users.

VIEW TogglesDark mode, anyone?


Attention to detail goes a long way to making your website sticky.

VIEW Features SectionsShow, don't tell

Features Sections

Exploring your product's features should be as engaging as actually using it.

VIEW ButtonsClick it in style


A branded button is great way to make your website memorable.

VIEW Navbars & MenusNavigate smoothly

Navbars & Menus

Getting your users from point A to point B can be fun.

VIEW Carouselsa lot to show?


Sometimes you've got a lot to show... like the component you're looking at now!

VIEW Hero SectionsGreat first impressions

Hero Sections

The first thing users see on your website leaves a lasting impression.

VIEW Dropdown MenusMore to show?

Dropdown Menus

Got links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links on links?

VIEW Testimonial Sectionspeople love you

Testimonial Sections

Show all of that trust you've built your users.

VIEW TogglesDark mode, anyone?


Attention to detail goes a long way to making your website sticky.

VIEW Features SectionsShow, don't tell

Features Sections

Exploring your product's features should be as engaging as actually using it.

Start here. People like these.

All Components

Components are built with React, Tailwind CSS, and some combination of Framer Motion, vanilla JS animations, keyframes animations, or another popular, stable JavaScript animation library. We do our best to keep everything up to date with the latest version of each package, but let us know if you run into any problems.

Suggest new components for us to build by hitting the icon anywhere you see it.